About Us

Our journey that began in 1997, rooted in a simple family outing. Our story unfolds on a weekend, split between a bookstore and a mall, leading us to the diverse Media Play store. It was here that Jill discovered an entry-level test that sparked an idea - why not create a comprehensive assessment for homeschoolers?

Leveraging her extensive educational background, Jill authored six unique grade-level assessments, aptly named The Diagnostic Prescriptive Assessment. These assessments were designed to diagnose and confirm mastery in each subject area, providing a valuable tool for parents and marking the beginning of our flagship offerings.

Thus, Diagnostic Prescriptive Services was born. Over the years, Jill expanded our product range to include resources for writing, vocabulary, literature, history, learning needs guides, learning styles guides, and other homeschooling aids. Our offerings became so versatile that they found a place not only in homeschools but also in private and public schools.

As our company evolved, so did our name. To simplify and add a touch of curiosity, we adopted the acronym EDUDPS. Eventually, we unified our curriculum business and academies under the umbrella brand, Jill Dixon. With this change, we retired our original URL, diagnosticprescriptive.com, and introduced edudps.com and jilldixon.com to highlight our assessments, curricula, and academies respectively.

That's the condensed version of our rich history. Explore here for a deeper dive into Jill's credentials and extensive line of books and guides.